Ncdex Market traded at both side with different shades and traded
with different gloom. Some important commodities are traded at above
side and some of commodities are going down side with low prices.
seed contracts are traded at up and down side with different prices.
Castor seed for august, september and november are traded at above
side with optimistic prices and remaning octomber contracts going
down side with negative prices.
all ncdex commodities are going above side with optimistioc prices
and remaning all commodities are traded at down side with low prices.
mcx Market traded at down side with low prices and mostly commodities
are going down side with low prices. Gold and silver both precious
metals are traded at down side with low prices.
daily Commodity Tips and Updates................
Epic research NCDEX Tips : SELL GUARSEED BELOW 4975 TG 4960,4940,4920 SL 5001
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