Ncdex market traded at down side with negative points and going lower side in movement graph. Barley, Castor seed both main commodity of ncdex market traded at down side with low prices and going down side. Barley, Castor seed, Chana,Corinder,Cotton Seed oilcake,Gaur gum,gaurseed,Jeera,maize,Soy Bean,Turmeric and wheat all best commodity are going down side in ncdex Market.
Barley for all contracts goes down side with low prices and it goes down side. Barley for June goes down side with 0.7 points down side with low prices.
Mcx market also looking in down side with low prices and mostly commodities goes down side with low prices. Gold goes down side with low 24.00 points down side with low prices and gold stands with 25952.00 points.
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